Web Maker For Android !:)

Mozilla is excited to announce that Webmaker for Android emerges from beta today. You can download the new version of our free, open source app from Google Play at mzl.la/webmaker.

Its for all the smart phone users and you can contribute to the web:)Gain some basic knowledge about the web as well along the way.

there’s no know-how required, no steep learning curve, and no complex toolbars. Users can create a range of content in minutes — from scrapbooks and art portfolios to games and memes. The intuitive design lets users iterate on the Web’s basic building blocks: text, images and links. With these three fundamentals, our community has already built wonderful creations: how-to manuals, photo albums, digital sketchbooks and wardrobes, exercise handbooks and more. Users are also free to remix and tinker with each other’s Webmaker projects in order to start slowly and steadily expand their creative potential.

heres the link :://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mozilla.webmaker&hl=en

MDN 10th Anniversary !!!

Mozilla Developer Network Factsheet
Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) is an open and collaborative learning platform for Web technologies
(HTML, CSS and JavaScript). MDN goes beyond providing essential coding information; it addresses
developers’ needs through its supporting community of volunteer developers, with the aim of inspiring
ideas, encouraging collaboration and ultimately, fostering the growth of the open Web. For a wide
range of Web developers, from learners to hobbyists to full‐time professionals, MDN provides useful
explanations for coding practice, instructions on downloading and building code, articles on how the
code works. It also gives guidance on how to build add‐ons for Mozilla applications and apps for Firefox
OS, user‐submitted runnable demos of Web technologies, and helpful answers on development
planning and strategy.
Openness is central to MDN, in that anyone can create an account to edit the content, and anyone can
copy and reuse the content, under its Creative Commons (Attribution‐Share‐Alike) license. Likewise,
anyone can join in discussions about planning and task management, via publicly accessible tools. This
openness has coalesced a community of volunteer contributors that extends far beyond the small staff
who keep pace with the rapid release cycle of Mozilla’s flagship browser. The online collaboration also
manifests in face‐to‐face events such as monthly MDN‐focused meet‐ups in Mozilla’s London and Paris
offices (joined by a video conference link), and other ad‐hoc gatherings that members may take
initiative to throw.
Currently, MDN has over 4 million users per month and more than 1000 volunteer editors per month,
worldwide. In July 2015, MDN will celebrate its 10th anniversary, as the original MDN wiki site
launched on 23 July, 2005.
 2005: Mozilla obtained a license from AOL to use content from Netscape’s DevEdge site. The
DevEdge content was mined for still‐useful material, which was then migrated by volunteers
into a wiki so it would be easier to update and maintain. The new wiki was launched in July
2005 as Mozilla Developer Center (MDC), also known as “devmo,” shorthand for its domain
name, “developer.mozilla.org.”
 2010: The name was changed to Mozilla Developer Network (MDN), reflecting the site’s
growth into a nexus for all developer documentation related to the Mozilla Project and open
web technologies.
 2011: A “Demo Studio” section was added for web developers to share and show off their
code, along with learning pages to provide links to tutorials.
 2014: The basic learning pages have been expanded into “Learn the Web” content for
beginning web developers, including a web terminology glossary, which Mozilla staff and
volunteers will continue to develop over the next few years.
Key facts
 Original MDN wiki site launched on 23 July, 2005
 Today it is one of the richest resources on the Web for documentation with 34,500
documents and climbing
 Currently MDN has about 4,2 million users per month
 More than 20,000 contributors have made about 510,000 edits to date
 1000+ people edit MDN every month
 So far, MDN editors created 13,200 English pages and made 21,200 translations in 42 locales
 142 HTML elements documented, including all standard elements in HTML5, stillexperimental
ones like , and never‐standard, deprecated ones like (for
historical reference).
 275 CSS properties documented, covering 60+ CSS‐related specifications, many of which are
still being defined for example, writing‐mode, which controls whether lines of text are
horizontal (such as for Latin and most other alphabets) or vertical (for Japanese and Chinese
 300+ web terminology glossary
 90+ articles for complete beginners and learners in the “Learn the Web” section, e.g.
explaining the basic difference between a webpage, a website, a web server, and a search
Further information on MDN
Web: https://developer.mozilla.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MozDevNet
Newsgroup: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mozilla.mdn
Events: MDN community events

Mozilla Web Maker

Mozilla web maker is one of the best tools to learn, explore and understand how the web actually works .Mozilla has provided the web maker tools where you can create your own web and indulge yourself in coding and learning. The various tools you have are X-Ray Goggles that will tell you how a web actually works ,Thimble to publish your own web pages ,Popcorn Maker to create interactive and attractive videos and the very interesting app maker that lets you to create your own app in minutes for your phone. We also have web maker communities where you can involve yourself in contributing to the web development by teaching the web or using their tools to create your own web and also you have events that you might participate in.

The most amazing part is that it teaches you to code! You have “code party” in which you can create codes with a group of members where you don’t feel left aloneJ. You can learn them and create them simultaneously. I have created my own app with the help of app maker which was easy and perfect as the way I wanted it.

X-Ray Goggles gives you an idea about what elements are being used in a web page and inspect them .you have templates that you can modify the way you want it to be .It is that you will have to activate you X-Ray Goggles in your browser and replace the code with the one you want.

Thimble is one amazing tool I have found where you can remix the web pages and customize them as you want and its really exciting to work with. You can code html and CSS for your WebPages. Remixing is a way where you can edit the code that is already present for you .we have options like meme maker, animated poem creator, SEO battle for optimization techniques, to teach the world about privacy and security as well.

If you are a creative enthusiast the perfect place for your creativity is popcorn maker where you can create your own video to brag yourself to the world, can drag images, videos and create your own mix of videos and make them interactive.

Last I would like to share my experience where I wasn’t ok with coding for apps at first and found many such people here. There are some amazing app ideas that hit our brains but the fact is we aren’t aware of the coding part that is involved in it .Mozilla has given us all a platform called App Maker that lets us to create our own app and deploy it.

Guess open source is the most essential tool ever to have been found and thanks to Mozilla for all these amazing to tools. Happy Web creation!

HERE : https://webmaker.org